📌 Our office will be closed December 24 - January 2.

Setup documentation

Cohortium is installed into a users portal and will require minimal settings to be enabled in order for the app to function within your portal. For that reason we have a complimentary 30 minute setup call to take you through and confirm installation.

During the purchase process, you will expect the following

  1.  Pay for cohortium (confirm that you have the enterprise hubs required) - CMS Enterprise and Marketing Pro, Transactional Email is recommended
  2. Book your time with a product specialist for the guided customizations
  3. Watch the introduction video
  4. Connect the Cohortium installer to your HubSpot Portal. (click the link provided in the email) -- Don't worry, we can do this live on our call too.
  5. Click The Install Link
  6. Login and choose your HubSpot Portal
  7. Click "Install Now"
  8. You will be redirected to a page while the installer is working in the background - This process takes several minutes, Don't worry, you can leave this page.
    • In the background we're installing:
      • Topics, Replies, Member Profile Objects
      • Building out the Associations between the objects
      • Demo Topics & Replies (coming soon)
      • Installing the necessary Theme files for Cohortium in your HubSpot Portal
  9. You will need a meeting where we will help you set up your Private App within HubSpot and configure your HubSpot portal (or do it for you on the call)
  10. From there, you can Import your contacts for your community and invite them to the system.